


  • 邮箱:huangxueyuan@btbu.edu.cn



    河南邓州人博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现任新葡萄8883官网AMG副院长,全国工业统计学教学研究会理事,北京市高教学会数学研究分会理事Geophysics》、《IEEE TGRS》、《Compu. Applied Math.》、《Comput. Geo.、《Geophysical Journal of InternationalLithosphere等期刊审稿人
















    20179-20189月,新加坡Earth Observatory of SingaporeNanyang Technological UniversityResearch Fellow


    201310-20144月,加拿大University of Toronto,访问学者


    1. 2023年,北京市优秀本科教学管理人员

    2. 2022年,北京工商大学教学育人先锋;

    3. 2022年,北京工商大学优秀教师;

    4. 2021年,北京工商大学教育教学成果奖一等奖;

    5. 2021年,首届北京高校数学课程教学创新比赛二等奖;

    6. 2019年,全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛获华北赛区二等奖\北京市二等奖;;

    7. 2016年,北京市优秀毕业生;

    8. 2010年,山东省优秀毕业生


    1. 国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目,42330801,基于新一代信息技术的复杂油气储层地震勘探理论和方法,2024/01-2028/12231万元,在,子课题负责人。

    2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41704047,基于波动方程和接收函数的岩石圈多参数联合反演方法和应用,2018/01-2020/12, 25万元,结题,主持

    3. 国家自然科学基金委员会联合基金项目,U1839206,南北地震带三维精细速度模型与快速地震定位方法研究,2019/01-2022/12227万元,结题,主要成员

    4. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,41390452,非常规油气介质中波传播的数学-物理模型及其求解,2014/01-2018/12280万元,结题主要成员

    5. 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFC1500301,重大自然灾害监测预警与防范: 滇地区三维岩石圈及上地幔结构全波形反演研究,2018/01-2021/12,1652万元,结题主要成员

    6. 横向项目,DNN(深度神经网络)地震波场正演算法开发, 2021.06-2024.1215万元,在主要成员


    1. 论文

    [1] Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Jiandong Huang, Xueyuan Huang, 2023, Modeling 3D elastic wave propagation in TI media using discontinuous Galerkin method on tetrahedral meshes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-14.

    [2] Xijun He, Jingshuang Li, Xueyuan Huang, Yanjie Zhou, 2023, Solving elastic wave equations in 2D transversely isotropic media by a weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method, Petroleum Science, 20 (2), 827-839.

    [3] 杨唯佳, 周艳杰, 姜恩元, 石玉涛, 马啸, 贺茜君, 黄雪源(通讯作者). 2019年长宁MS6.0地震周边区域速度与P波各向异性成像研究[J]. 地震, 2023, 43(4): 1-20.

    [4] Yanjie Zhou, Fan Lu, Xiao Ma, Xueyuan Huang, Chenguang Wang, Xijun He, 2022, An efficient symplectic stereo-modeling method for seismic inversion by using deep learning technique, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 19(4), 750-760.

    [5] Chenguang Wang, Yanjie Zhou, Xijun He, Xueyuan Huang, Fan Lu, 2022, Full-waveform inversion based on deep learning and the temporal modified and spatial optimized symplectic partitioned runge-kutta method. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 31(6), 501-521.

    [6] Xueyuan HUANG, Dinghui YANG, Ping TONG, Yuan GAO, Yutao SHI, Hao WU. Quasi-waveform seismic tomography of crustal structures in the capital circle region of China[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2021, 64: 110-126.

    [7] 黄雪源,杨顶辉,童平,高原,石玉涛,吴昊.首都圈地壳结构的拟波形层析成像研究[J].中国科学:地球科学,2021,51(1):103-119

    [8] Liu Yongsheng, Suardi Iman, Huang Xueyuan, Liu Shaolin, Tong Ping. Seismic velocity and anisotropy tomography of southern Sumatra[J]. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2021, 316: 106722.

    [9] Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Yajie Zhou, Lei Yang, Xueyuan Huang, 2021, Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for solving wave equations in 2D isotropic and anisotropic poroelastic media at low frequencies, Geophysics, 86(4), T261-T275.

    [10] Fan Lu, Yanjie Zhou, Xijun He, Xiao Ma, Xueyuan Huang, 2021, Full waveform inversion based on deep learning and optimal nearly analytic discrete method. Applied Geophysics, 18(4), 483-498.

    [11] Jian Wang, Xijun He, Xingpeng Dong, Dinghui Yang, Jingshuang Li, Xueyuan Huang, Yanjie Zhou, 2021, A modified time-space optimized symplectic method for solving 3D elastic wave equations. Chinese Journal of Geophysics 64 (11), 4150-4165.

    [12] Fan Lu, Yanjie Zhou, Xijun He, Xueyuan Huang, Yanan Zhang, 2021, A low-dispersive Padé approximation method for wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic poroelastic medium. Exploration Geophysics, 1-16.

    [13] 王健,贺茜君,董兴朋,杨顶辉,李静爽,黄雪源,周艳杰.三维弹性波方程的修正时空优化保辛数值求解方法[J].地球物理学报,2021,64(11):4150-4165

    [14] Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xueyuan Huang, Xiao Ma, 2020, A numerical comparative dispersion-dissipation analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods based on quadrilateral and triangular meshes, Geophysics, 85(3), T101-121.

    [15] Yanjie Zhou, Xueyuan Huang, Xijun He, Yongchang Zheng, 2020, An effective method to suppress numerical dispersion in 3d elastic modeling using a high-order padé approximation. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 29(5), 425-454.

    [16] Benfeng Wang, Ning Zhang, Wenkai Lu, Jianhua Geng and Xueyuan Huang, 2020. Intelligent Missing Shots’ Reconstruction Using the Spatial Reciprocity of Green’s Function Based on Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(3), 1587-1597.

    [17] Xiao Ma, Dinghui Yang, Xijun He, Xueyuan Huang, Jiaxing Song, 2019, Nonsplit complex-frequency shifted perfectly matched layer combined with symplectic methods for solving second-order seismic wave equations: II. Wavefield simulations, Geophysics, 84(3), T167-179.

    [18] Tong Ping, Yang Dinghui, Huang Xueyuan. Multiple-grid model parametrization for seismic tomography with application to the San Jacinto fault zone[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 218(1): 200-223.

    [19] Liu Shaolin, Suardi Iman, Zheng Ming, Yang Dinghui, Huang xueyuan, Tong Ping, 2019. Slab morphology beneath northern Sumatra revealed by regional and teleseismic traveltime tomography[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(10): 10544-10564.

    [20] Ma, Xiao, Yang, Dinghui, He, Xijun, Huang, Xueyuan, Song, Jiaxing, 2019. Nonsplit complex-frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer combined with symplectic methods for solving second-order seismic wave equations—Part 2: Wavefield simulations. Geophysics, 84(3), T167-T179.

    [21] Ma Xiao, Yang Dinghui, Huang Xueyuan, Zhou Yanjie. Nonsplit complex-frequency shifted perfectly matched layer combined with symplectic methods for solving second-order seismic wave equations—Part 1: Method[J]. Geophysics, 2018, 83(6): T301-T311.

    [22] Li, Jinghuang, Yang, Dinghui, Fehler, Micheal, Huang, Xueyuan, 2018. Using a stereo-modeling operator to reduce aliasing during migration. Geophysics, 83(5), S437-S446.

    [23] Hao Wu, Jing Chen, Xueyuan Huang, Dinghui Yang, 2018. A New Earthquake Location Method Based on the Waveform Inversion[J].Communications in Computational Physics, 23(1):118-141.

    [24] Huang Xueyuan, Yang Dinghui, Ping Tong, Yanjie Zhou, 2016. 3D nearly analytic central difference method for computation of sensitivity kernels of wave‐equation‐based seismic tomography[J]. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106(6): 2877-2899.

    [25] Xueyuan Huang, Dinghui Yang, Ping Tong, Jose Badal, Qinya Liu, 2016. Wave equation‐based reflection tomography of the 1992 Landers earthquake area[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(5): 1884-1892.

    [26] Li, Jingshuang, Michael Fehler, Dinghui Yang, Xueyuan Huang, 2015. 3D weak-dispersion reverse time migration using a stereo-modeling operator[J]. Geophysics, 80(1): S19-S30.

    2. 教材
